Thursday, October 14, 2010


We spent a few days at Yosemite National Park. The plan was to camp, but the brochure that we were given when we entered said that you couldn't keep any food or toiletries in your car because of the bears. For a minute, we thought about disregarding that, until we read further that the black bears at Yosemite don't hibernate, but are active year-round and that if they break into your car to get food there could be a $5,000 fine. Yikes! These were not your average black bears. We pulled over to have a picnic dinner and deer walked up to us looking for food and wouldn't be scared off. That confirmed it, the wildlife in Yosemite were a little too used to people. All the campgrounds happened to be full, so we stayed in a tented cabin (much like a DTP tent for all you HoneyRockers). It was awesome. I've always wanted to sleep in one of those. And all of our food and toiletries were kept out side in a metal bear box.
We spent the next couple days hiking waterfalls and exploring the Yosemite Valley. We went to the museum and cemetery, the old school and a couple of the hotels and caught the sunset at the top of Glacier Point. "Well, of all things!" We left having done a lot, but wanting to do so much more. I'm so thankful for these persevered wilderness that we can go to and explore.

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