Monday, October 11, 2010

San Francisco driving adventures

We made it to San Francisco yesterday. Driving in we were able to watch the end of the Blue Angels' air show over the Bay. Guess who was super excited about that? We had great seats from where we were (almost) parked on the freeway with the amount of traffic. We joked about the rush-hour traffic until we realized that it was Sunday afternoon... a lot of people live in San Francisco. In the next four hours we slowly drove through San Francisco. Peter did a great job weaving in and out and squeezing through tight places. Wheew, it was stressful for me in the passenger seat, but he had a blast. We went down to the Fisherman's Wharf and got a great view of Alcatraz. Then drove down  Lombard Street, famous because of the steep 27% grade of the road and tight, hairpin turns that you have to make. Peter's words, "This is better than a roller coaster!" And it was fun. The scary part was coming to one huge hill that we had to go up. Peter had the Jeep floored the whole way up and we might have been doing less than 5 miles per hour. I'm so glad we made it up, but we had to pull over for the car to cool down some after that work out. I'm starting to think that we should name our Jeep (with 200,00miles) Old Faithful.


  1. we were just there! missed you guys by a week. you should bike over the Bridge!

  2. man, guys! it is SO fun to read about your adventures! thanks for taking the time to blog and share pictures!! as i read about your driving fun in San Fran, i couldn't help think about when kyle and i did roller coaster road with you guys in three lakes...and then a deer jumped out...remember that? crazy!!
    awe, we miss you guys! keep adventuring!
