Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a glimpse of military life

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at McChord Air Force Base just south of Seattle. This was our third day there in the last week or so and we felt like we were getting to know our way around pretty well. It was the first time that I've been on a base like that and it gave me more of a glimpse of what life will be looking like for us soon. In a way it had all the elements of a normal city: there was a grocery store, a mall with a food court, a library, fitness center, housing, children centers, a movie theatre, etc. The abnormal things: a gated community where you have to show ID, people in uniforms everywhere, the names on things are very military-ish, and I think every one that spoke to me called me ma'am. It was a lot of fun to be there - go to the library, eat at the food court, and go around with Peter doing his errands with him. He was able to fill out more paper work there and get fitted for his uniform instead of needing to go back to the Madison unit. ALSO, while we were there I also got my military ID, awesome huh? Now I have to find a place to use it at. :-D

So after seeing Seattle, walking around the Pike Street Market, and getting a latte at the French bakery, Le Panier, we are on our way to Mt St Helens and Portland. They say there is a coffee culture in Washington and I think that I quickly assimilated to it, funny that it didn't happen during my time in Colombia. Now, however, coffee tastes great! I've been drinking an americano every morning. There must be something addictive in it...oh yeah, caffeine. Today as we drive it is another beautiful sunny day here. We've been in Washington for over a week now and have only seen rain once. I'm starting to think that it must rain more in northern WI than in Seattle.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! Welcome to my world. :-) The military and the coffee parts anyway. Did you figure out the leave paperwork?
