Sunday, October 10, 2010

the sights along PCH: hitch-hikers and Redwood Giants

We continue on our way down the Pacific Coast Highway, the ever-changing road. It is the scenic route that is always keeping us alert with it's ocean views and winding roads through the mountains. We've passed several road bikers that are sharing the road as they bike to San Francisco or further south, as well as A LOT of hitch-hikers. I thought that hitch-hiking was illegal, but maybe not. Amazingly, we have seen one man three times now. The first time we saw each other we made eye-contact and waved. He probably noted our Wisconsin license plate and wondered why we were way out here. Miles down the road we saw him again and gave a wave of recognition. And again, hours later, a third time. We got a huge smile and a 'hey-I-know-you-point' while we honked and waved. I really wished we could pick him up and give him a ride and hear his story, but our car is packed full with no extra room.

We drove through the Redwoods yesterday, literally, down the Avenue of the Giants. It is amazing how thick they are and to think of some of the trees being 3,000 years old. Oh, the stories they could tell. We also stopped to take a gondola ride through the trees canopy and hear the tall tales of Paul Bunyan.

Today we will make San Francisco and spend a couple days there. We got an early start today since we were at a strange campsite and the only one for miles around. It was a tree-less, paved lot with one bathroom that had a screen door and there was polka music playing until early in the morning. The cost for one night was $45, but Peter talked them down to $16 (the most that we've paid thus far to camp). This trip will be full of crazy stories though.

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