Friday, October 8, 2010

the Pacific coast

Yesterday dawned a cold, stormy day of wind, rain and mists. The first 'bad' weather that we've come across. It was also the day that we arrived at the rocky Pacific coast of Oregon. So instead of soaking in the sun on Cannon beach and stroll along where the sea water meets the sand. We got coffee and chai and drove to a high over-look to watch the storm-tossed waves break against the rocks and shore. It was one of those mornings where you wanted to have a hot drink, good company and talk about dreams and stories and beautiful things and to reflect. We stayed there for a while and then drove down the coast. We stopped several times to take pictures and, at one point, watch several sea lions on the beach.

Later in the afternoon we went to tour the Tillamook Cheese Factory. It was so fun to see how they made cheese and ice cream and try their samples. The factory produces 167,000 pounds of cheese each day.

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