Saturday, September 18, 2010

Today is Moving Day!

We have said our good-byes, cried and laughed and reminisced with the ones we love. The truck is packed and Peter's coffee cup is full. It is a sunny, fall day and we are moving to Colorado. It's crazy that this is real. But we are full of expectation as we go where the Lord is so strongly leading us. The first thing we will do is drop off our things in Denver and then start our month-long camping trip around the western United States. But for today we will drive and drive until we find a place to camp out at in Iowa.


  1. No one else I would rather travel with!

  2. YAY! We are so excited to follow you on your blog!! And for the journey ahead. I bet it's bittersweet to be leaving HR, but we're excited for what God has next (and sad that we don't still live in Colorado...bummer!!). Anyway, we miss you guys and are excited about your blog!

  3. so glad to hear you passed the physical and got another confirmation about the direction you are headed. the camping trip sounds great.what is the time-line now for starting your new training?
