Today we had our 20 week ultrasound, I'm a little short of 19 weeks but we are leaving for Peter's pond hockey tournament on the 10th and then my doctor is on vacation after that.
We were so excited to see the baby again, remembering how fun it was to watch them moving all over the place at 10.5 weeks. I have been feeling them move around every day now for the last several days. So this morning as I was lying in bed and becoming more and more awake, I wondered if the baby was awake too. My hands were much warmer than my stomach so I put my hands on my swollen stomach and after a couple seconds felt a little, bump, bump, bump! Yep, our little one was awake too. And excited to go to see the doctor that reminds us so much of Aunt B! (really Betsy, I wish you could meet my doctor because she reminds us so much of you!)

So I have to admit Johnny, I was half hoping that they were going to tell us that we were expecting twins when we went today. (Even though I know I'd be much larger right now if I were). But there really is only one baby. One baby that weighs 9 ounces and who's head is 5mm in diameter now. We could see all their little bones and what looked like dark hair on top of their head. We have a shot of their face and profile and another of their little foot. See any family resemblance yet? We decided not to find out their gender, so we will all have a big surprise in a few more months. Take our survey to tell us if you think it will be a boy or a girl The good news, yellow happens to be the favorite color of their dad and I love the ducky things for little babies. And there will be plenty of time to buy blue/pink things as needed. So bring on all your guesses. Peter has dreamed that we had a girl twice now and a boy once. The boy was born at 11:48pm and one of the girls' was talking after 3 weeks. :-D

And as excited as Peter and I were to see the baby moving around on the ultrasound, they happened to be sleeping. Funny, I never imagine that they would happen to be sleeping during the important event where we could
see them. But they were, arm over their head, the same position I woke up in this morning. The technician kept pressing on my stomach to get them to wake up and change positions, but they slept on, I wonder where those genes came from? There nap time might be the 3-4 hour of the afternoon because they weredefinitely sleeping at not at 9pm tonight because there was some more bouncing around after I had some hot chocolate tonight. But it is now 11:20pm and I'm not asleep yet because all I can think about is the ultrasound images from this afternoon.
Fun to share this with you guys! We're excited to meet this little one! DONT FORGET TO TAKE THE SURVEY and see the results of what everyone thinks after you vote! (by the way it only accepts one vote per computer)
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