David was awake by 6:20am Saturday morning and ready to go. The plans for Saturday? Museums. We went to the Wings Over the Rockies museum first, and Peter was captivated by the airplanes, simulators and cockpits that you could see and go inside. And I would agree, it was very cool. Next up, lunch at Subway and D was already thinking of where we should go for dinner. Then we went to the Nature and Science museum and toured all of their exhibits. We walked a lot that day and did a lot and David asked if we could have a low-key day on Sunday.
Sunday, David's last day with us, we went to church and visited the public library by our house. After we had lunch at IHOP of pancakes, we took a short walk and came home for Sunday afternoon naps and packing. We were able to stay and hang out with David until he boarded the plane back home. So we enjoyed every minute till the very end. It was fun having you here brother!
Thanks for coming David. See you in July!