To start with some of our friends offered to babysit the weekend prior. So, to bid farewell to his youth, Peter and I went out on a little date and we very comfortably left Joshua with auntie Josie. We talked about birthday memories and future dreams and I gave him a couple little gifts.
On Monday, the real Big day, Joshua got dressed in his patriotic shirt that says "All American Baby" and we went to buy Daddy a fancy coffee drink and take it to his work as a surprise. I had to coordinate this with a couple of other guys in his class to make sure that he would be in the flight room at a specific time and not doing another practice flight simulator. As I was driving over to the building he was in I got a text from one of them saying that Pete had left to go practice and they weren't sure when he'd be back. It would have typically been no problem to come back again, but I learned very quickly that things take a lot longer with a baby and Josh was all ready and in his car seat...we were coming. The next few texts told me that they had told Peter that some Captain was looking for him and he should come back to the flight room. I smiled because just that morning we had a conversation were I was referred to as a Captain! haha! The next text said that he had just arrived back, perfect... I was just pulling into the parking lot. We followed Joe's directions through the maze of hallways to get to his flight room and gave Peter(Daddy) a great surprise. We chatted for a few minutes and then left before his next flight briefing.
I LOVED your surprise when you came and visited me!