Joshua did come that week, his birthday being only a few days after the last post - July 14th. He was born at exactly 41 weeks and is healthy and absolutely beautiful (this might be the only time in his life that I can call him beautiful!). He weighed 6lbs and 11.5oz at birth and has: dark, wavy hair, fine facial features, long eye lashes, large hands and feet, strong, Sailhamer legs, and the faint appearance of dimples that might show more when he learns how to smile. He's a hard sleeper and hard to wake up. For the first few minutes he just stretches and has his eye brows raised, a look that we see often. Personality wise, he's very calm and peaceful. He is so perfectly formed and wonderful. While I was still pregnant, the Lord told me that this would be a strong baby. And we've been praying that the Lord would use that strength for good, that he would have a strong character and follow hard after the Lord and love what is right.

Today he is two weeks old. And already he is changing and passing out of the sleepy, newborn stage. We noticed the difference last week as he started becoming more aware of his surroundings and really looking at us. He is also starting to hold his head up. At the doctors today we learned that he has gained almost a whole pound in a week, which is above average. Grandma Sailhamer and Uncle David's visit to meet him was perfectly timed, catching both stages of newborn to this more-aware little Josh. For Peter and I it's just been a joy to be parents. We are loving this new work and life-role. And with it, my love for Peter seems different too, deeper and sweeter are the words that I can think of to describe it.

The birth story. Some of you already know the story, but for those of you who are curious it was surprising and covered in grace. I started feeling contractions early in the morning and knew that they were different and true contractions. Peter and I prayed for the baby and labor before he went into work that morning. Then I went on a walk and kept praying as the day dawned. The Lord told me that this was a holy moment. His perfect timing in bringing the new life that he had created into the world. Contractions continued steadily, but I could walk, talk, do everything in between. Peter came home at 5:30pm and still not much had changed, the contractions being only a little stronger. I called a friend who prayed with me over the labor and delivery. She reminded me that God gives us the strength to bear up under things in that moment (the present contraction) and not to worry about what it might feel like later. For the next couple hours contractions continued and became work. Never was in un-bearable. Peter was with me through each one, counting out the time each one took and cheering me on. At 8:00pm my water broke and I thought I felt the need to push. Surprised, we knew it was time to go to the hospital, but I still thought I had a long way to go. Peter very calmly and effectively got me in the car, which wasn't easy when all I wanted to do was in on my hands and knees and not move. We were on the labor and delivery floor at 8:30 and I was complete. The doctor was called. At 8:56 the doctor walked in and at 8:58 Joshua was born. It was an amazing moment to see him born (possible since the nurses didn't have time to break down the bed). And to hear Peter say, "It's a boy. Angela, it's a boy." After the months of not knowing, we knew...God gave us a son! The other moment that is marked with such sweetness in my mind is seeing Peter bend over to pick up and hold his son for the first time. "This is a holy moment..." God has brought new life into the world and gifted us with a wonderful, little son. After it was over I was surprised that it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would and am reminded that God gives us the grace to bear up under the things of the moment. And that when we are weak, he is strong in power.
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