Wow, there is a lot to catch up on since my last update from Panera Bread. That was the last time I had an internet connection until now.
I am now back home, writing this from our study. I am home! And so is Peter. He finished IFS much earlier than we originally thought and after doing paper work in Madison got back home last Friday. Yesterday was my first day home and it is so nice to be here together. And without further travels planned, and Peter's next class starting in a few weeks, and a baby coming in two months it feels like a new chapter is starting.

I was able to spend Mother's Day with my Mom and have breakfast and tea, just the two of us. Later that day we saw my brother and his family and enjoyed the warm sun while my nephew tried flying his kite. It was special to think of being a mom this mother's day and to share it with my mom and two of my sisters-in-law. That's right. There will be three Sailhamer babies born within 4 months of each other this year. How fun for the little cousins and future family vacations. We know that Jason and Betsy are having a little girl, but both Johnny and Kelly and Peter and I are waiting for the big surprise on the birth day.

I had to be home yesterday because we had an OB appointment that could not be pushed any later. They did a sonogram since I am a new patient and it was so fun to see our baby again. Everything looks great. He/she is measuring in the 47% (so average size baby!). Right now they weigh a little less than 4 lbs. We saw their little hands and feet, their kidneys and full stomach, and their little heart beating. The tech could even tell that our baby has hair. Their face has filled out a lot and is much rounder than it was when we had an ultrasound at 18.5 weeks. But, I forgot to drink something with caffeine and he/she was sleeping again and in the same position that they were the last time too - with their arm over their face! Now, I'm excited to see if that is how they like to sleep once they come out. :-D After our appointment we went to the hospital to visit a friend who just had her little girl that morning. She was beautiful and perfect. And the sense of being a mom was so real to have just seen my baby on an ultrasound and then to see a new little one and know that in a few more weeks that Peter and I would be there as well. What a fun Mother's day (and birthday present!) to me.
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