David had the weekend off of work so we hit the beach. The three of us "kids" drove down to the beach despite the day being in the 60s and rainy. We got chai to drink and strolled along the pier watching the fisherman. That's where Peter started watching the surfers more than the fish. He'd wanted to go before, so still interested he checked on how much it would cost to rent a surf board - only $10, he was sold. All through the lunch that David treated us to his mind kept returning to surfing and what it would be like. By the time lunch was over and he rented the board he was both super excited and a little nervous. As the only surfer without a wet suit and the band strapped to his wrist instead of his ankle, one might have been able to tell that he was new at this. But Pete happily jumped into the waves and paddled out. At first the waves rocked him and David and I have footage of the wipe outs. But, natural athlete that he is combined with some tips from other
bros, he started picking it up staying on the board. His time was interrupted by dolphins surfacing about 10feet from him. When I say surfacing, I mean completely jumping out of the water, doing flips and chasing each other. They stuck around for about a half an hour and it was so cool to watch from the shore. However, it was a little disconcerting for Peter since they were so close with nothing separating them in the water. His comfort was that the other surfers acted like it was normal only to find out that the had no clue since they were from Utah. I guess the locals don't usually surf on rainy days in the middle of the afternoon.
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