Joshua is now 2 months old and ~12lbs. We have a doctor appointment tomorrow so I'll know a more accurate weight and height measurement for him. But he is smiling away at us and sometimes (dare I think it?) laughing. You can imagine how he has his parents wrapped around his little fingers with each smile. He really is a bundle of joy to us. And I have loved being able to take him on walks with some friends since the weather is no longer 115+, but 90+. Those who know me can attest that walking anytime, for any reason, for any length is one of my favorite pastimes.
The last couple of weeks we've taken Josh to some Friday night events with the guys from Peter's class. He usually sleeps from about 6pm to 9 or 10pm. We were hoping he would sleep even though we were around a lot of people, noise and lights at these events, but he was wide awake and looking at everything from Daddy's shoulder. We could tell he was so sleepy, but he couldn't help but look at everything and never made a peep. We were so amazed at him and proud of him. And it was fun to take him somewhere and feel like we are now going about life as a family.