The weekend before Christmas all of Peter's family gathered together in the Twin Cities for a surprise birthday party for his grandpa, who turned 90! We arrived Friday night and met at the Luna Rosa restaurant in Still Water. We had our own private room, which was actually a hollowed out cave with a fake fireplace in it. This was a fine Italian place and the food and ambiance was excellent. Grandpa and Grandma were so surprised when they walked in and saw all of us together. They thought that they must be dreaming.

Saturday dawned a cold and snowy day and we all packed into the Grandparents' house for a Swedish pancakes and fruit breakfast made by all the guys (also a tradition). In the afternoon we drove to Peter's old house from high school and got coffee with the siblings. Before meeting up with the family again for Smorgasbord dinner, a Christmas tradition. And it began to feel a lot like Christmas with all the snow, and decorations, and family together singing Christmas carols before dinner. There is something so special about being with family at the holidays.
Sunday morning came and the Sailhamer side of the family all got together at Grandma and Grandpa's house again (we just couldn't leave) and had another breakfast and our own family Christmas. Everyone flew out that night except for Peter and I. And the whirlwind, wonderful weekend came to a fast close. I'm so glad that it all came together.
Peter and I rented a car and drove to Michigan on Monday. We made it in time for Christmas and to celebrate my brother's birthday and have all the same festivities all over again. I was even able to make Christmas candy again with some friends from high school, just like we used to way back when.