Last weekend we had our first Denver weekend. Peter's college roommate, John Elsen came to town with 4 high school students that were Broncos fans. Our main objective was the game, but there was so much more time to do Denver things. And what fun we had.
So our weekend started with lunch at Chick-Fil-A, since almost all of us had never been to it. We found out what a popular place it was when we arrived and there was a 30 minute wait to place your order. Yes, this was a fast food restaurant and the food was worth the wait. Afterwards we went to the Denver Nature and Science Museum and saw an IMAX movie on the images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Imagine, stunning pictures of the stars in 3D. What wonders our God has made. Saturday evening finished off with marco-polo in the hotel pool and eating at Woody's, an all-you-can-eat wood-fire pizza place.

Sunday was the day of the main event. It was sunny and I wasn't cold at all with all the layers and hand warmers on. We left the house at 9:30 in the morning to meet up with John and the boys at the stadium. We were tailgating before the game. John had brought tons of meat to grill, brats, deer sausage, ribs and barbecued chicken. And a football, or pigskin, to toss around. This was probably the part that I was most excited about. My first tailgating experience. We went into the game a little early and got as close to the field as possible to watch the team warm up and try to spot Andy Studebaker, who was playing for the Chiefs. Peter and John were trying to catch his attention by yelling
Wheaton and his name. It was really fun to see someone you know playing and it made me feel like I was watching a Wheaton game with Wheaton people...minus all the alcohol around. So for the game we were rooting for the Broncos, but also for Andy any time he was on the field and cheering whenever we saw him cream a guy. What a game, what a weekend.